New to reading music or ringing a bell? Then this is the ensemble for you! The Jubellation program is for Beginning Adult ringers with basic to no music reading skills. We take the most stressful part of playing in a Handbell ensemble off the table - performance. With that stress off your shoulders, you can focus on ringing techniques and building your music reading skills in a fun and low stress environment. You can stay one semester or as many semesters as you want until you and your director feel that you are ready for our Level 1 Intermediate ensemble Accelerando. Jubellation meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
One of the keys to being successful is being flexible, as the idea takes shape, it is constantly being adapted and modified. We understand this entire process as a trip with multiple stops to a final destination: you, ringing in a handbell ensemble. We are specialists in traveling this route and we will accompany you to as many stops as you want. We are invested in your success! Sign up today by going to ou join us page and filling our the registration form. You count!